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case "compra":
                        using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                            if (_isOwner == true)
                                int count = dbClient.getInt("SELECT max(id) FROM roombots");

                                if (args[1] == "gatto")
                                    if (dbClient.findsResult("select id from roombots where roomid = '" + _roomID + "'"))
                                        sendData("BK" + "Puoi tenere un solo animale per stanza");
                                        int count2 = count + 1;

                                        string nome = args[2];
                                        dbClient.runQuery("update users set credits = credits -50 where id = '" + userID +"'");
                                        refreshValueables(true, false);

                                        string miao = "Miao!";
                                        string zz = "ZZzzz!";
                                        dbClient.runQuery("insert into roombots (id,roomid,name,mission,figure,x,y,z,freeroam) values ('" + count2 + "','" + _roomID + "','" + nome + "','ciao',1,10,9,0,0)");
                                        dbClient.runQuery("insert into roombots_texts (id,type,text) values ('" + count2 + "','say','" + miao + "')");
                                        dbClient.runQuery("insert into roombots_texts (id,type,text) values ('" + count2 + "','say','" + zz + "')");
                                        dbClient.runQuery("insert into roombots_texts_triggers (id,words,replies) values ('" + count2 + "','" + nome + "','" + miao + "')");

                                        sendData("BK" + "Hai Acquistato un gatto rientrando in stanza lo vedrai");
                                if (args[1] == "coccodrillo")
                                    if (dbClient.findsResult("select id from roombots where roomid = '" + _roomID + "'"))
                                        sendData("BK" + "Puoi tenere un solo animale per stanza");
                                        int count2 = count + 1;

                                        string nome = args[2];
                                        dbClient.runQuery("update users set credits = credits -50 where id = '" + userID +"'");
                                        refreshValueables(true, false);
                                        string shout = "Shouting is not neccessary";
                                        string miao = "Croc!";
                                        string zz = "ZZzzz!";
                                        dbClient.runQuery("insert into roombots (id,roomid,name,mission,figure,x,y,z,freeroam,message_noshouting) values ('" + count2 + "','" + _roomID + "','" + nome + "','ciao',2,10,9,0,0,'" + shout + "')");
                                        dbClient.runQuery("insert into roombots_texts (id,type,text) values ('" + count2 + "','say','" + miao + "')");
                                        dbClient.runQuery("insert into roombots_texts (id,type,text) values ('" + count2 + "','say','" + zz + "')");
                                        dbClient.runQuery("insert into roombots_texts_triggers (id,words,replies) values ('" + count2 + "','" + nome + "','" + miao + "')");
                                        sendData("BK" + "Hai Acquistato un coccodrillo rientrando in stanza lo vedrai");
                                sendData("BK" + "La stanza non è tua quindi non puoi aggiungere ne rimuovere animali");

                    case "elimina":
                        using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                            int id = dbClient.getInt("select id from roombots where roomid = '" + _roomID + "'");
                            dbClient.runQuery("delete from roombots_texts where id = '" + id + "'");
                            dbClient.runQuery("delete from roombots where roomid = '" + _roomID + "'");
                            dbClient.runQuery("delete from roombots_coords where id = '" + id + "'");
                            dbClient.runQuery("delete from roombots_texts_triggers where id = '" + id + "'");
                            sendData("BK" + "Al prossimo rientro in stanza non troverai più il tuo animale");

                            sendData("BK" + "La stanza non è tua quindi non puoi aggiungere ne rimuovere animali");

Depois disso abra o seu VIRTUALBOT.CS

Eu acho que é para substituir ou colar, mas faça um de cada vez, se não funcionar um, faça o outro.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;

using Holo.Virtual.Users;
using Holo.Virtual.Rooms.Pathfinding;
using Ion.Storage;
namespace Holo.Virtual.Rooms.Bots
    /// Represents a computer controlled virtual user with an artifical intelligence (AI). The bot walks around in virtual rooms on specified coordinates, interacts with other virtual users and serves drinks and food.
    internal class virtualBot
        #region Declares
        /// The ID of the bot in the virtual room.
        internal int roomUID;
        /// The virtual room the bot roams in.
        internal virtualRoom Room;
        /// The name of the bot.
        internal string Name;
        /// The mission/motto that the bot has.
        internal string Mission;
        /// The bot's figure string.
        internal string Figure;

        /// The X position of the bot in the virtual room.
        internal int X;
        /// The Y position of the bot in the virtual room.
        internal int Y;
        /// The height of the bot in the virtual room.
        internal double H;
        /// The rotation of the bot's head in the virtual room.
        internal byte Z1;
        /// The rotation of the bot's body in the virtual room.
        internal byte Z2;
        /// Used for pathfinding. The X coordinate of the bot's target square in the virtual room.
        internal int goalX;
        /// Used for pathfinding. The Y coordinate of the bot's target square in the virtual room.
        internal int goalY;
        /// Indicates if the bot uses 'freeroam', which allows it to walk everywhere where it can go to. Astar pathfinding is used.
        internal bool freeRoam;
        /// The message that the bot will use (on random) to shouting people near the bot.
        internal string noShoutingMessage;

        private delegate void statusVoid(string Key, string Value, int Length);
        /// Handles the random determining of actions.
        private Thread aiHandler;
        /// Contains the texts that the bot can 'say' on random.
        private string[] Sayings;
        /// Contains the texts that the bot can 'shout' on random.
        private string[] Shouts;
        /// Contains the coordinate's where the bot can walk to. Ignored if freeroam is enabled.
        private Coord[] Coords;
        /// Contains the chat triggers where the bot reacts on.
        private chatTrigger[] chatTriggers;
        /// The virtualRoomUser object the bot is currently serving an item to.
        private virtualRoomUser Customer;
        /// The chatTrigger object that was invoked by the current customer.
        private chatTrigger customerTrigger;

        #region Constructors/destructors
        /// Contains the bot's animation statuses.
        private Hashtable Statuses;
        /// Initializes a new virtualBot object, loading the walk squares, chat texts etc.
        /// The database ID of the bot.
        /// The ID that identifies this bot in room.
        /// The virtualRoom object where the bot is in.
        internal virtualBot(int botID, int roomUID, virtualRoom Room)
            this.roomUID = roomUID;
            this.Room = Room;

            DataRow dRow;
            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                dRow = dbClient.getRow("SELECT name,mission,figure,x,y,z,freeroam,message_noshouting FROM roombots WHERE id = '" + botID + "'");
            this.Name = Convert.ToString(dRow[0]);
            this.Mission = Convert.ToString(dRow[1]);
            this.Figure = Convert.ToString(dRow[2]);
            this.X = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[3]);
            this.Y = Convert.ToInt32(dRow[4]);
            this.Z1 = Convert.ToByte(dRow[5]);
            this.Z2 = Z1;
            this.goalX = -1;
            this.freeRoam = (Convert.ToString(dRow[6]) == "1");
            this.noShoutingMessage = Convert.ToString(dRow[7]);
            DataColumn dCol;
            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                dCol = dbClient.getColumn("SELECT text FROM roombots_texts WHERE id = '" + botID + "' AND  type = 'say'");
            this.Sayings = (string[])dataHandling.dColToArray(dCol);
            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                dCol = dbClient.getColumn("SELECT text FROM roombots_texts WHERE id = '" + botID + "' AND type = 'shout'");
            this.Shouts = (string[])dataHandling.dColToArray(dCol);

            DataTable dTable;
            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                dTable = dbClient.getTable("SELECT words, replies, serve_replies, serve_item FROM roombots_texts_triggers WHERE id = '" + botID + "'");
            this.chatTriggers = new chatTrigger[dTable.Rows.Count];
            int i = 0;
            foreach (DataRow dbRow in dTable.Rows)
                this.chatTriggers[i] = new chatTrigger((Convert.ToString(dbRow["words"]).ToLower()).Split('}'), (Convert.ToString(dbRow["replies"])).Split('}'), (Convert.ToString(dbRow["serve_replies"])).Split('}'), Convert.ToString(dbRow["serve_item"]));
            using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                dTable = dbClient.getTable("SELECT x,y FROM roombots_coords WHERE id = '" + botID + "'");

            Coords = new Coord[dTable.Rows.Count];
            i = 0;

            foreach (DataRow dbRow in dTable.Rows)
                Coords[i] = new Coord(Convert.ToInt32(dbRow["x"]), Convert.ToInt32(dbRow["y"]));

            Statuses = new Hashtable();
            aiHandler = new Thread(new ThreadStart(AI));
            aiHandler.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
        /// Safely shuts this virtualBot down and tidies up all resources.
        internal void Kill()
            try { aiHandler.Abort(); }
            catch { }

            aiHandler = null;
            Room = null;
            Statuses = null;
            Coords = null;
            Sayings = null;
            Shouts = null;
            chatTriggers = null;
            Customer = null;
            customerTrigger = null;

        #region Bot properties
        /// The details string of the bot, containing room identifier ID, name, motto, figure etc.
        internal string detailsString
                string petTransformAdd = "";
                string petTransformFigure = "";

                petTransformAdd = "7ui1" + Convert.ToChar(4);
                petTransformFigure = Figure + " 000 " + "98A1C5";

                string s = "i:" + roomUID + Convert.ToChar(13) + "a:-1" + Convert.ToChar(13) + "n:" + petTransformAdd + Name + Convert.ToChar(13) + "f:" + petTransformFigure + Convert.ToChar(13) + "l:" + X + " " + Y + " " + H + Convert.ToChar(13);
                if (Mission != "") { s += "c:" + Mission + Convert.ToChar(13); }
                else { s += "c:" + " Baboh rulez!" + Convert.ToChar(13); }
                return s + ":p" + Convert.ToChar(13);
        /// The status string of the bot, containing positions, movements, statuses (animations) etc.
        internal string statusString

                string s = roomUID + " " + X + "," + Y + "," + H.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + "," + Z1 + "," + Z2 + "/";
                foreach (string Key in Statuses.Keys)
                    s += Key;
                    string Value = (string)Statuses[Key];
                    if (Value != "")
                        s += " " + Value;
                    s += "/";
                return s;

        #region Actions
        /// Invoked by a virtualRoomUser. There is checked if this bot reacts on a certain chat message, if so, then replies/orders etc are processed.
        /// The virtualRoomUser object that interacts with this bot by saying a message.
        /// The message that the virtualRoomUser said to this bot.
        internal void Interact(virtualRoomUser roomUser, string Message)
            Message = Message.ToLower();
            string[] messageWords = Message.Split(' ');
            if (chatTriggers != null)
                foreach (chatTrigger Trigger in chatTriggers)
                    for (int i = 0; i < messageWords.Length; i++)
                        if (Trigger.containsWord(messageWords[i]))
                            if (Trigger.serveItem != "") // Serve an item, walk up to the customer and hand over the beverage
                                if (Customer != null) // The bot is currently serving a different room user, ignore this trigger

                                Coord Closest = getClosestWalkCoordTo(roomUser.X, roomUser.Y);
                                if (Closest.X == -1) // Can't serve this user (no square close enough)

                                Room.sendSaying(this, Trigger.Reply);

                                addStatus("carryd", Trigger.serveItem); // Make the bot starting to carry the order to deliver it
                                goalX = Closest.X;
                                goalY = Closest.Y;
                                this.Customer = roomUser;
                                this.customerTrigger = Trigger;
                                this.Z1 = Rotation.Calculate(X, Y, roomUser.X, roomUser.Y);
                                this.Z2 = this.Z1;
                                Room.sendSaying(this, Trigger.Reply);

                            return; // One trigger per time
        /// If the bot currently is processing an order, then it'll hand over the order and prepare for a new one.
        internal void checkOrders()
            if (Customer != null)
                    goalX = -1;
                    Rotate(Customer.X, Customer.Y);
                    Room.sendSaying(this, customerTrigger.serveReply);

                    if (Customer.statusManager.containsStatus("sit") == false)
                        Customer.Z1 = Rotation.Calculate(Customer.X, Customer.Y, X, Y);
                        Customer.Z2 = Customer.Z1;

                    Customer = null;
                    customerTrigger = null;
        /// Rotates the bot to a certain X and Y coordinate and refreshes it in the room. If the bot is sitting, then rotating will be ignored.
        /// The X coordinate to face.
        /// The Y coordinate to face.
        internal void Rotate(int toX, int toY)
            Rotate(Rotation.Calculate(X, Y, toX, toY));
        /// Sets a new rotation for the bot and refreshes it in the room. If the bot is sitting, then rotating will be ignored.
        /// The new rotation to use.
        internal void Rotate(byte R)
            if (R != Z1 && Statuses.ContainsKey("sit") == false)
                Z1 = R;
                Z2 = R;
        /// Returns a Coord object with the X and Y of the walkcoord that is as closest to the given position.
        /// The X position.
        /// The Y position.
        internal Coord getClosestWalkCoordTo(int X, int Y)
            int minDistance = 6;
            Coord Closest = new Coord(-1, 0);

            foreach (Coord Coord in Coords)
                int curDistance = Math.Abs(X - Coord.X) + Math.Abs(Y - Coord.Y);
                if (curDistance < minDistance)
                    minDistance = curDistance;
                    Closest = Coord;

            return Closest;

        #region Status management
        /// Adds a status key and a value to the bot's statuses. If the status is already inside, then the previous one will be removed.
        /// The key of the status.
        /// The value of the status.
        internal void addStatus(string Key, string Value)
            if (Statuses.ContainsKey(Key))
            Statuses.Add(Key, Value);
        /// Removes a certain status from the bot's statuses.
        /// The key of the status to remove.
        internal void removeStatus(string Key)
                if (Statuses.ContainsKey(Key))
            catch { }
        /// Returns a bool that indicates if the bot has a certain status at the moment.
        /// The key of the status to check.
        internal bool containsStatus(string Key)
            return Statuses.ContainsKey(Key);
        /// Refreshes the status of the bot in the virtual room.
        internal void Refresh()
        /// Adds a status to the bot, keeps it for a specified amount of time [in ms] and removes the status. Refreshes at add and remove.
        /// The key of the status, eg, 'sit'.
        /// The value of the status, eg, '1.0'.
        /// The amount of milliseconsd to keep the status before removing it again.
        internal void handleStatus(string Key, string Value, int Length)
            if (Statuses.ContainsKey(Key))
            new statusVoid(HANDLESTATUS).BeginInvoke(Key, Value, Length, null, null);
        private void HANDLESTATUS(string Key, string Value, int Length)
                Statuses.Add(Key, Value);
            catch { }

        #region Misc
        /// Ran on a thread. Handles the bot's artifical intelligence, by interacting with users and using random values etc.
        private void AI()
            int lastMessageID = -1;
            Random RND = new Random();
                while (true)
                    if (Customer != null) // Currently serving a different user

                    int ACTION = RND.Next(0, 4);
                    switch (ACTION)
                        case 1: // Move
                                Coord Next = new Coord();
                                int[] Borders = Room.getMapBorders();
                                    Next = new Coord(RND.Next(0, Borders[0]), RND.Next(0, Borders[1]));
                                    goalX = Next.X;
                                    goalY = Next.Y;

                        case 2: // Status
                                int action = RND.Next(1, 4);
                                switch (action)
                                    case 1:

                                        addStatus("sit", string.Concat(1));


                                    case 2:
                                        addStatus("jmp", string.Concat(1));

                                    case 3:
                                        addStatus("ded", string.Concat(1));


                        case 3: // Say
                                foreach (chatTrigger Trigger in chatTriggers)
                                    Room.sendSaying(this, Trigger.Reply);

                    Out.WriteTrace("Bot AI loop");
            //catch { aiHandler.Abort(); }

        #region Private objects
        /// Represents a trigger that can be invoked by a chat message. Results in a reply and/or an order confirmation.
        private class chatTrigger
            /// A System.String array with words that invoke this trigger.
            private string[] Words;
            /// A System.String array with replies that are used when this trigger is invoked.
            private string[] Replies;
            /// A System.String array with replies that are used when the bot hands over the food/drink item for this trigger.
            private string[] serveReplies;
            /// The item (food/drink) that will be served when one of this trigger's words match a given word.
            internal string serveItem;
            internal chatTrigger(string[] Words, string[] Replies, string[] serveReplies, string serveItem)
                this.Words = Words;
                this.Replies = Replies;
                this.serveReplies = serveReplies;
                this.serveItem = serveItem;
            /// Returns a boolean that indicates if this trigger replies on a certain word.
            /// The word to check.
            internal bool containsWord(string Word)
                if (Word.Substring(Word.Length - 1, 1) == "?")
                    Word = Word.Substring(0, Word.Length - 1);

                for (int i = 0; i < Words.Length; i++)
                    if (Words[i] == Word)
                        return true;
                return false;
            /// Returns a random reply from the replies array.
            internal string Reply
                    return Replies[new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(0, Replies.Length)];
            /// Returns a random 'hand over item, here you are' reply from the replies array.
            internal string serveReply
                    return serveReplies[new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(0, serveReplies.Length)];
Abra a sua database, e selecione a opção SQL, lá em cima.

E execute a SQL com este código:
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for roombots
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `roombots` (
  `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `roomid` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(50) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `mission` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL,
  `figure` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `x` int(5) NOT NULL,
  `y` int(5) NOT NULL,
  `z` int(1) NOT NULL,
  `freeroam` enum('1','0') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '0',
  `message_noshouting` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default 'Shouting is not neccessary.',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for roombots_coords
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `roombots_coords`;
CREATE TABLE `roombots_coords` (
  `id` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `x` int(5) NOT NULL,
  `y` int(5) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for roombots_texts
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `roombots_texts`;
CREATE TABLE `roombots_texts` (
  `id` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `type` enum('shout','say') collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `text` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for roombots_texts_triggers
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `roombots_texts_triggers`;
CREATE TABLE `roombots_texts_triggers` (
  `id` int(10) NOT NULL,
  `words` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `replies` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `serve_replies` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `serve_item` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;
Espero que tenham gostado, e que funcione.

Créditos: Ragezone

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